This blog was created to fulfill requirements for a Chatham University graduate class. The tabs above will supply the reader with information regarding a customer relations management (CRM) system. The information is based on the CRM company of salesforce. Throughout the blog, the information provided is being suggested to improve IVK's business. IVK is the business that is written about by Austin and O'Donnell (2016) in the book The Adventures of an IT Leader. The contributors to this project are Jeremiah Clinchoc, Scott Sieber, Evan Fraundorfer, Jonathan Hanna, William D’Andrea. We are all members of the Chatham University graduate school pursuing a Masters degree. We all come from different backgrounds and used this project to not only learn about CRM but to learn how to work cohesively with a group of people that live completely different lives. Projects like these allow students such as us to learn how to manage the hectic world of business. We hope that you enjoy the in...